mobile background

Tina Kye |  대표원장

"Education is not received but achieve"

- iCUBED English 학원 - 대표원장 (현재)

- Proud7 어학원 - AP & Master's Club   

   Teacher (6년)

- Seth Paine Elementary School- 

   Classroom Teacher (9년)

- Seth Paine Elementary School - 

   Kindergarten Teacher (1년)

- St. Xavier University - MA Teaching and 


- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 

   -BA Education

- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign     -Teaching Certification

- Concordia University Chicago - ESL 


- EBS Power English Curriculum 


Tina Kye


"Education is not received but achieved"

- iCUBED English 학원 - 대표원장 (현재)

- Proud7 어학원 - AP & Master's Club Teacher (6년)

- Seth Paine Elementary School- Classroom Teacher (9년)

- Seth Paine Elementary School - Kindergarten Teacher (1년)

- St. Xavier University - MA Teaching and Leadership

- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - BA Education

- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - Teaching Certification

- Concordia University Chicago - ESL Certification

- EBS Power English Curriculum Development

Tel. 02-555-5105

서울특별시 강남구 역삼로52길 14 도곡프라자 303호

Biz License : 216-98-37375

CEO : Tina Kye